Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Digital textbooks may erode culture of reading printed works

Many countries around the globe are seeking ways to develop reading to school students. Due to the influence of modern technology, the government is aiming to promote the use of electronic writing boards and to provide students with tablets. Although, in coming of new technology has led not only benefits to students, but also have some negative effects too.

There are several benefits of using digital textbooks such as tablets with video and audio functions. To begin, it is expected to stir the interest and grab the attention of children. Many schools have already begun using tablets with original software as learning aids. They have enabled students to study subjects in innovative ways such as practicing reading English aloud while listening to the correct pronunciations. Another benefit would be that tablets with functions to enlarge letters and read aloud sentences on screen help children with disabilities to understand subjects with referent to some observers pointed out.

However, the effects of this have not all been beneficial. Firstly, daily use of tablets may negatively affect the vision and posture of children. Children may become absorbed in using tablets also at home and they have few opportunities to read book. So that read less printed matter, it might erode the culture of printed works. Beside this, the government will shoulder all the related expenses including purchase and maintenance costs for tablets. Finally, some countries introduced tablets to classrooms have seen a series of troubles such as defects in software, lack of teachers familiarization with the devices and eye train.

In conclusion, despite the fact that digital textbooks has some benefits, but it has many problems. I think using of digital technology should be limited to learning aids.


  1. Good article.. Due to the modern world, of course! there must be something that developed to address issues and facilitate human. However, there's a gap behind the convenience itself which is the disadvantages and people tend to erase them. According to what you have said, it is a good to consider both sides before we pour our mind on something. What do you think if you want children to put down tablets and start opening textbooks, Will it be a good choice for them in terms of future?

    1. Thank you for your comment Kik! In my opinion, although Information Technology is influencing students these days, it is important to limit using it properly. These does not mean that children have to lay down using tablets and use textbooks only. They have to use both to ensure that all textbooks are still available for all children in the classroom.

  2. You wrote really nice article. About the last part that you maintain in book printed culture. My mind have throw it out the fact, i think book can't get away from us. Even though children need tablets and technology more, but book are the symbol of letter. Technology can be hack from everyone but book can survive us from the outside world. For me, i always grab the information from a huge data in the internet but when i really need to go inside the others world or put myself to calm, i just grab the book instead. As you know. Technology developing everyday and book still beside us every decade.

    1. I totally agree with your view that books are very significant. Here is just an issue occurring in Japan and Korea right now. Due to their governments change teaching system by providing tablets at schools only and block textbooks as teaching materials at all because the governments think that tablets can provide more benefits to students than textbooks. In contrast, there are a lot of disadvantages and some people concern that the reading textbook will disappear.

  3. This is a topic that I care a lot about, both in terms of the theory of world development and in practice as a teacher. There are lots of good things about both, and I think they need to serve different needs as Tony summarized so well. Both will be here to stay for a while, and of course I love the written word, but we tend to forget that writing was a technology we invented to solve certain problems. It is possible that in the future we will have better technology to solve those problems, and people won't read anymore. If you grow up in a world where no one reads, I don't suppose anyone will miss it, but it does seem that there are things that a book can do to the human mind that no other medium can. What do you think of this? It would be nice to see more of your opinions on the topic.

    Also can you add a link to the article that you used for this blog?

    1. Thank you Jack for your comment. Regarding to your point of view if there is where no one reads, I strongly believe that in the future there aren't any good writers due to new ideas normally come up with reading. Even though the new technology can help people to read, but can not help people to think in innovative ways. Ps. Sorry this article I tried to summarize from Vientiane Times Newspaper issued last month so I can not provide you a link.
