Monday, June 1, 2015

Young women would be better served by female doctors

Most young women are concerned about going to a hospital because they are worried they won't be able to see lady doctor to discuss their personal problems with. Hospitals do not make any special provision for the treatment of adolescents, and neither do they make sure that female medical staff are available to discuss health issues related specifically to women.

The writer would like to point to an incident that occured three years agao, when a seventeen-year old girl went to hospital to see a doctor about a small lump and pain in her breast. "I wanted to see a doctor because I was afraid I might have breast cancer," she said.

She was seeen by a male doctor in the gynacecology ward. She had asked to see a lady doctor but was told they were all busy attending to other patients. Having no choice in the matter, she was examined by the male doctor on duty. She said that the doctor spent about 30 minutes examining her left  breast, where she had felt the discomfort, and also checked ther other breast although she had not complained of any abnormality on that side.

In this writer's opinion, this is an area of medical service that needs to be addressed. Of course, this may not be seen as important in Western countries whre people learn about the human body from a young age. But in Laos, women are more mosest and feel very uncomfortable about being touched by a man who is not their regular partner.

The presence of more women doctors in these fields might help to encourage more young people to visit hospitals, especially for family planning services, which are poorly utilised a present. In addition, it might put a stop to complaints by women that doctors are unnecessarily touching intimate parts of their body, when it fact they are carrying out an essential physical examination. Once they have more women doctors in place, each hospital should run publicity campaigns to encourage young women to go to hospitals for treatment. It might also encourage more women to get annual check-ups for breast and cervical cancer.

Source: Vientiane Times, Wednesday May 27, 2015 (Page. 18)


  1. In case of any person has emergency on health problem, hence she should directly go to a hospital nearby. a patient have chance to amide as well as examination by women or men doctor. Some time he will meet only men doctors what should he do? should she wait for meeting a female doctor or back home?

  2. In my opinion, most of male doctors do as gentle as that they can with ladies but sometimes most of ladies think about male in bad way without reason. It doesn't mean that there's no bad male doctor, as we know that there are bad people in everywhere, it's just a few. So, ladies shouldn't judge quickly because it will make male doctor worry and afraid to check lady boby and I believe most of male doctors have ethics on their work but if ladies feel uncomfortable to check health with a male doctor, please wait for a lady or go to other hospital. If there's no choice, should be careful and if a male doctor try to do something unclear or bad, please don't let it pass away, now in Laos we have law on protection and development women rights, we have lots of organizations to help such as: Women's Union, Ministry of Justice, National assembly, NGO, etc...because it could be illegal act, they will help you, if found that's illegal act the a male doctor will get responsibility base on acts that provided by law.
